For flight attendants and pilots, working irregular shifts is an inherent part of the job. The nature of aviation requires round-the-clock operations, with flight crews needing to adapt to working nights, weekends, and variable schedules. However, a growing body of research demonstrates that shift work can negatively impact both physical and mental health over time (Chen & Wu, 2017). Understanding these detrimental effects is important for airlines and crew members to help mitigate the risks.
Fatigue and Sleep Disruption
By far the most well-documented effect of shift work is fatigue due to circadian rhythm disruption. The body's natural sleep-wake cycle conflicts with working irregular night or early morning shifts. As a result, shift workers struggle to get sufficient high quality sleep. Fatigue impairs work performance and judgment while increasing the risk of errors or accidents (Chen & Powell, 2019). It also harms long term health through pathways like inflammation, elevated stress, and decreased immunity (Morris et al., 2020). For flight crews operating complex aircraft, fatigue-induced performance degradation poses a major hazard.
Increased Disease Risk
Research has associated long term shift work with higher incidence of certain diseases such as heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, diabetes, and cancer. The causal mechanisms are still being investigated but likely involve the interplay of sleep disruption's effects on hormones, circadian rhythms, and immune function (Knutsson & Bøggild, 2010). Flight crews spend many years working irregular schedules, so have considerable occupational exposure to these risks. Airlines should provide health screenings to help detect any emerging issues.
Mental Health Challenges
Flight crews must also contend with shift work's negative impacts on mental health. Irregular hours disrupt natural circadian rhythms that regulate mood, which can increase risk for anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. Social isolation due to work schedules being out of sync with family and friends can worsen matters (Caruso, 2014). Jet lag and sleep deficits only add to feelings of fatigue, stress, and burnout already common among flight crews. Access to mental health support can alleviate some of these challenges over the long term.
Coping Strategies
While airlines must make systemic changes to lessen the health risks of shift work, individual crew members can also take steps to protect themselves. Sleep should be a priority, for instance getting at least 7 hours in the 24 hours before a flight sequence. Strategic napping and caffeine use helps overcome mid-shift fatigue. Light therapy can readjust circadian rhythms after schedule changes (Chen & Powell, 2019).
Eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly also helps regulate physical and mental function. Staying socially engaged outside of work counteracts isolation. Being proactive and speaking up about fatigue or emerging health issues protects both the individual and public safety. Finally, connecting with fellow crew who understand the unique struggles is invaluable support.
With proper education, oversight policies, supportive workplace culture, and personal strategies, flight crews can overcome some of the health challenges posed by shift work. Maintaining both physical and mental wellbeing over a long career will require vigilance from airlines and proactive self-care from crew members themselves. But promoting health and safety amid irregular schedules should always be the priority.
Caruso, C. C. (2014). Negative impacts of shiftwork and long work hours. Rehabilitation Nursing, 39(1), 16-25.
Chen, J., & Powell, J. (2019). Fatigue in aviation: "Pushing the Envelope". DOT/FAA/AM-19/18. Federal Aviation Administration.
Chen, J., & Wu, J. (2017). Flight attendants' health issues of irregular work schedules and sleep disturbance. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 32(6), 536-545.
Knutsson, A., & Bøggild, H. (2010). Gastrointestinal disorders among shift workers. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 36(2), 85-95.
Morris, C. J., Purvis, T. E., Mistretta, J., Hu, K., & Scheer, F. A. (2020). Circadian misalignment increases C-reactive protein and negatively affects health. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(23), 13211-13218.